Friday, May 8, 2020

Summary Sunday Get Found Online

Summary Sunday Get Found Online My weekly round up shows you how to get found online! It includes posts about using social media to find a job, new LinkedIn features, and examples of alternative Twitter handles you can use if your name is taken. But the best post is the first one- its an auto-response an employer sends when an  application is  received. Company Does More To Communicate With Candidates This Auto-Response Email from an Employer will Blow You Away by Chris Russell | Career Cloud You hate not knowing if your application was received, right? Every applicant tracking system has the ability to send auto-response messages, but sadly, most companies arent using them. This is a great example of how  Fog Creek Software  is raising the bar and communicating with applicants! LinkedIn Updates 4 New LinkedIn Updates You Need to Know About Now by Lily Zhang | The Daily Muse Sure, you have a LinkedIn account. But since only 13% log into LinkedIn daily (Pew Research), you probably dont know about these changes/updates! how many views your profile has gotten recently and how many times your latest update has been shared added new analytics for  your long posts created a new tool for researching graduate schools that ranks schools by career outcomes in specific industries LinkedIn now limits how many people searches you can do. Twitter Name Taken? 25 Twitter handle hacks for when your perfect name is already taken by Justin March | Social Fresh Just as the title says, these are great alternatives for individuals and businesses if you find your name is not available! Social Job Search Top Ways to Use Social Media for Getting a Job [INFOGRAPHIC] by  CIPHR  | Undercover Recruiter This infographic shows best practices on Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and blogging! What Else Did I Share This Week? Follow me on Twitter for a up-to-date job search news. Follow @careersherpa // < ![CDATA[ // < ![CDATA[ // < ![CDATA[ // < ![CDATA[ // < ![CDATA[ //

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