Sunday, March 15, 2020

5 Real Reasons Why You Dont Get Called for an Interview

5 Real Reasons Why You Dont Get Called for an InterviewYouve done everything youre supposed to donetworking, sending in applications, calling in favors, sending out resumesand the phone simply refuses to ring. You havent been asked in for any interviews. This is partially because the markets tough at present, but it could also have something to do with a few things you may be doing wrong. googletag.cmd.push(function() googletag.display(div-gpt-ad-1467144145037-0) ) Here are the 5 real reasons why you dont get called in for an interview.1. You have a weak resumeEither there is not enough on your resumeyou dont have sufficient experience, or theres too much. Did you dump your entire work and education history into the document, with little care for what sort of picture that laundry list paints? Try culling a bit, shaping the way you lay out your facts.Bottom line put yourself in the hiring managers shoes and imagine your resume in a pile of resumes. Imagine 10 or so identically qualif ied candidates. Will yours stand out among them? Does it stylishly and succinctly show you to be a cut above the rest? If it doesnt, that might be your answer.2. Youre applying for the wrong jobsAre you sending out applications and resumes willy nilly? To any job you see advertised that you think you could have a remote chance of handhabung? Thats probably not the best strategy. Better to do a bit of extra hunting for the positions that are perfect for youand you for them.Be the ideal candidate, not just another faceless grunt who could probably do the job to their satisfaction. Youll feel better going after positions that really excite and challenge you as well.3. Youre using the wrong strategyOnline job boards are a useful resource. But they arent usually enough to turn the corner in a job search. Make sure youre also actively pursuing leads, building your network, calling on your existing connections, finding contact information for the right people and sending them your resume a nd cover letter, maximizing your LinkedIn usage. Make sure you never go more than 30 days without some zugreifbar activity.4. Your hopes are too highHope and high expectations are great. As are you But sometimes the dream job isnt going to happen just now. Sometimes an interim job is just as goodone that wont do any damage to your resume, but will pay your bills. Maybe give up on your desire to be the next big CEO until youre searching from the comfort of already having a job? Its always best to negotiate from a place of power.5. Youre not asking for helpThere is no shame in needing a job. This is what your family and friends (and network) are for. Tell them what youre looking for and ask them to help if they reasonably can. Youd do it for them, after all. And chances are, they will.

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