Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The First 100 Days in a New Job

The First 100 Days in a New JobThe First 100 Days in a New JobYoure not paranoid the company is watching your every step. Follow these tips to make the right impression in your first critical months.When a new CEO takes charge of a well-known company, the world follows their first 100 days o n the job to determine how their leadership will shape the business. Even if your new job is not Interim CEO of General Motors, like Fritz Henderson, your wertzuwachs will also be watched closely during your first 100 days on the job. If you have recently accepted a new position or hope to be starting a new job soon, here are some tips for managing perceptions in your early tenure.1. Break bread with colleagues.A lot of critical information about the company will not be found in annual reports or monthly newsletters. In order to understand the unofficial rules, company politics and corporate culture, you need to have ongoing conversations with both managers and staff.2. Crack the company code.Whe n you begin a job at a new company, it can sometimes feel like youve just moved to a foreign country. Many companies have their own acronyms, lingo, inside jokes, etc. Try to buddy up with someone who can act as a translator to get you up to speed quickly.3. Showcase your strengths.You talked about your strengths during the interview process and leveraged past stories of success to prove your value-add. Take charge of a project you know you can deliver on and then make sure that you do.4. Document your accomplishments.Its never too early to start documenting job successes. One year from now, when it is time for your performance review, you want to be able to site your accomplishments throughout the year, including those achieved within your first critical 100 days.5. Study up. You prepared for your interviews by researching the company and understanding their strengths and challenges. Now that you are in the job, use the first 100 days to dig deeper into the companys mission, brand proposition and reputation in the market. Read everything you can get your hands on that references the company.6. Find a mentor. Connect with someone who is more senior than you and has a lengthy tenure at the company. A mentor can help you manage your career by putting you in front of the right people and exposing you to the right resources.7. Dress the part.Dont put away your interview suit just yet. Observe the dress code around you, but remember, you may still be scrutinized more closely than your colleagues. Play it safe and always choose an appropriate, but possibly more conservative style.Think of the first 100 days like an extended interview. You might not feel as comfortable as you did in your previous position, so use your colleagues and research to bolster your knowledge and confidence.

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